Welcome Snowggle Store.

About Us

Snowggle Gifts

Snowggle Gifts is a Canadian souvenir store located on the street level of the Vancouver Convention Center, directly facing the cruise terminal in downtown Vancouver. Our store has been serving tourists from Canada and abroad for 10 years and counting.

Now you can shop for souvenirs and gifts and experience our store online, even if you are unable to travel. We hope you enjoy our selection and come visit us in person again soon!

Our shop carries many popular Canadian-made souvenirs such as maple syrup, ice wine products, cookies, chocolates, teas, and salmon.
We also carry totem poles and dream catchers which are symbols of North America. Additionally, we stock cute accessories, stuffed animals, and much more.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

並且有加拿大代表性的可愛的飾品和玩具等北美地區原住民印地安人圖騰柱(TOTEM POLE),捕夢網(DREAM  CATCHER),BC省出産玉石彫刻和手飾、。因為還有很多產品,都是加拿大紀念品的首選,歡迎進來參觀。我們有中文日文的店員為您服務!

Tienda de regalos situada en el Canada Place, la mayor atracción turística de Vancouver. La tienda tiene muchos de los recuerdos más populares de Canadá, como productos de arce y vino helado, siropes, galletas, chocolates, té, salmón y mucho más.
También tenemos bonitos accesorios, peluches, tótems y atrapasueños exclusivos de Norteamérica, y mucho más. ¡Esperamos verle pronto!

밴쿠버 최대 관광명소인 캐나다 플레이스에 위치한 기프트샵. 캐나다에서 인기 있는 기념품인 메이플과 아이스 와인 제품, 시럽, 쿠키, 초콜릿, 차, 연어 등 다양한 상품을 판매하고 있습니다.
또한 귀여운 액세서리, 봉제인형, 북미 특유의 토템폴, 드림캐쳐 등 다양한 상품이 준비되어 있으니 꼭 한번 들러주세요. 여러분의 방문을 기다리겠습니다.